Join me on a 30-day Kindness Challenge!
Updated: Sep 27, 2021
Doing good not just helps others, but makes you happier too.

We humans feel happier when we act in service to others.
If you've been following along, I've written several articles on kindness on this blog. From a positive psychology angle, performing random acts of kindness is a well-known activity to build happiness in yourself.
To illustrate, a group of people were asked to perform a kind act for seven straight days. Happiness was measured before and after the week of kindness. The result - people felt happier after the week was over.
From a healing perspective, performing daily acts "secret kindness" can also help you reconnect to a positive self-image of yourself. You start to see the goodness inherent within you, instead of reflecting on all the bad.
It's such a simple activity that we can all start doing - spread joy to others and you will find joy in yourself.
Join me on a 30-day kindness challenge.
I'm doing this partly because it's important to practice what you preach. Who am I to write all these articles if I don't live them myself. Why, I'd be a hypocrite! On another part, I'm doing this because I also believe each of us really have the power to make others happier.
It's connects back to what the meaning of life is. From a positive psychology definition, Meaning is about serving something bigger than yourself. What that "bigger" is, that's for you to reflect and find out.
What I know for certain is that my meaning in life is to help other people. As I've begun to discover, there are many avenues for me to do that and this little challenge is another great way to help me live true to my meaning.
So without blabbering on, follow me on this little journey. Join me if you can. I'd love to hear your stories of kindness.
My 30-days of Kindness:
I'll try to update this article as I go along - but check out my instagram stories on @kayatoastforthesoul if you'd like to see daily updates :)
For now, take care and be kind!
1) Giving a cold drink to cleaners on a hot day.
2) Volunteering to deliver food to needy households.
3) Taking my dogs out so the friendly neighbourhood kids can harrass, I mean play with them.

4) Taking my wife out for a little happy dinner.
5) Leaving a tip for a friendly, neighbourhood waiter.
6) Saw a migrant worker working hard and bought him a cold drink.
7) Volunteering at a charity donation shop.
8) Saw an old man sitting alone at the market and had a chat with him.

9) Doing all the chores so my could relax for the night.
10) Was very busy replying various emails from readers, so took a break and was kind to myself!
11) Volunteered to sort out clothing donations in Choa Chu Kang (and met a few new friends!)-0[p\
12) Left a book about navigating loneliness on the bus for someone who could use it.

13) Volunteered to teach computer skills to seniors!
14) Met up with the uncle from day 15 and taught him how to use his smartphone. He shared that he missed playing chess, where the last time he played was in school. Now he can play chess anytime he wants on his phone!
15) Sent an old friend a random "thank-you" message. She was very helpful when we studied psychology together. Haven't spoken to her for about eight years and we ended up chatting into the wee morning!
16) Went out to buy some food for my neighbour who fractured his leg. Turned out his wife was home with him so I really should have bought two meals (*face palm*).

17) Was a free "grab driver" for the elderly and needy again! Ended up serving a total of 98 meals that day over four hours!
18) Got stung by bee :( had to take some time to be kind to myself. Still, I was volunteering with the elderly that day - went for it anyway!
19) Took my dogs down to the common area to let the neighbourhood kids have fun walking them.
20) Spent a few hours volunteering as a counsellor on the SomethingNew App today :)

21) Volunteered as a technology teacher for the elderly again! Got a nice lady super excited to have her own Instagram account.
22) Bought some plants where the profits are sent to charity!
23) Got up early today to make my wife a surprise breakfast. Er... I tried my best guys. Have mercy!

24) Met up with a youth I got to know at a basketball court who shared how much he wanted to learn to swim. Taught him freestyle. Don't worry guys he's still alive.

25) Did another meal delivery for the elderly today :D
26) Met the youth from Day 24 today. From not being able to float in the water, he can now swim half a lap! Woohoo. Watchout Joseph Schooling.
27) Planned a Friday night BBQ date night for my hardworking pharmacist wife.

28) Did another round of meal delivery for the elderly. Doing this twice a week now!
29) Spent some time today listening in who people who wanted to share their struggles. Thinking of setting up a free volunteer-based listening platform.
30) Last day of the challenge today. Saw some cleaners at the nearby market looking sweaty and tired. Got them each a cold drink :)

Can't wait to do this again. I hope you get the chance to try it out too. Kindness can be life-changing!
Sometimes, I like to close my eyes and wonder what Singapore will be like if we all did just one little act of kindness each day.
How much better would life be? Hmmm.
Thanks for reading Kaya Toast for the Soul. May you find joy in your life, and live out your meaning each day.