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You deserve better.

Updated: May 21, 2024

Why we tolerate chaos instead of embracing the unfamiliar possibility that things could be better.

Some of us grew up in environments where we learnt to be tolerant of chaos.

So much so that as we grow older, we continue to tolerate chaos instead of embracing the unfamiliar possibility that things could be better.

And this happens to the best of us.

This is happening to some really wonderful people I know.

Wonderful people who are nice, smart and intelligent.

So it's really nothing to do with being dumb, stupid or naive at all.

But these wonderful people happen to keep close in their lives other kinds of people.

People that criticise them.

People that take advantage of them.

People with emotionally manipulative behaviours.

People that make them feel really small.

And these wonderful, nice, smart and intelligent people often turn to me, saying:

"What's wrong with me?"

"Does the universe hates me?"

"Maybe it's me, I must be a really bad person too"

But this is not true.

So not true at all.

Because for real, no one wants to be treated this way.

And it's not true at all that toxic people find other toxic people.

Toxic people will find anyone who's susceptible enough to let them stay.

Because for some of us, we grew up not knowing what a safe and emotionally caring relationship means to be.

And over time, internalised, we believe toxicity to be the reality.

But that is not true.

You do deserve better.

You deserve to be loved without being made to feel small okay?

So go deeper abit, ask yourself why you allow these people to stay.

Is it because you think this is all you deserve?

Is it because you fear being alone?

Is it because this is what you're simply used to?

Then ask yourself, do I deserve to let this people stay?

You deserve better.

Take care,



P. S. Dedicated to K


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